Art & Nature Camp July 3-5
Art & Nature Camp July 3-5
Age 4-10
July 3-5
drop off 8:50-9:20,
pick up 11:40-12:10
Explore the natural world though art! Dye fabric using botanical plant, be inspired to paint and sculpt, pull leaf prints and play. This camp will combine both instructed and child lead activity.
subject to change with revolving rules guidelines and bylaws
There are a few additional things to think about this year to insure that we can have a wonderful, fun and safe time together.
What to bring:
-Face masks while in the public spaces of the Roots Building all patrons over the age of 2 are required to wear a face mask in accordance to the Edmonton City Bylaw effective August 1st. Once in the studio camp registrants may remove masks. (Please see below for more information).
-Snack and a water bottle. As always we will not be sharing snacks with anyone outside of our house hold.
- Please send your child in clothing that is acceptable to get painty and a paint shirt or apron if you like. This year we will not wear Creation Space Paint smocks.
-Please avoid bringing any non essential items
Drop off & pick up:
- Drop off will be from 8:50-9:20 & pick up will be from 11:40-12:10 rather than assigning time slots but allowing for pick ups to be spread out but as relaxed as possible.
-Parents are asked to properly social distance & wear a face mask while dropping off and picking up. Parents are permitted into the studio to help their children settle but asked to please minimize their time in the studio this year. As always I would like to meet and greet parents on the 1st day. Alberta Health regulations allow parents to be present for an absolute maximum of 15 minutes.
Important Information on keeping us all healthy:
-Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19, with a history of international travel in the last 14 days, or with close contact with a confirmed case of COVID- 19 in the past 14 days must remain at home, and unfortunately no refunds can be made in this case, however if class is canceled due to a change in guidelines or instructor symptoms you
-Parents, guardians and children must not attend the day camp program if they are sick, even if symptoms resemble a mild cold.
-Alberta Health requires that parents or guardians check the temperatures of their children and screen for symptoms daily before coming to the program.
In the Studio:
-Unfortunately this year younger siblings are not permitted to join in during pick up or drop off as they are not part of the camp cohort.
-Children will be asked to wash their hands or to use hand sanitizer before beginning their studio day and before and after snack as well as through out the morning.
-The studio and studio items will be sanitized through out the day as needed and thoroughly at the end of each camp day .
- The studio will be thoughtfully set up in a way that encourages the children to be more spread out in their play than usual.
Mask Wearing
-the public spaces of the Roots building fall under the Edmonton city bylaw
-I have been in touch with the Edmonton City bylaw office and mask wearing as pertaining to Creation Space Camps. Taking into consideration the age range of our participants, that classes are 3 hours in length in cohort groups and the children will not have their parent or caregiver present to monitor their mask wearing I have been directed to continue to follow Alberta Health Guide Lines for Day Camp programs which are currently recommending that “Young Childern are unlikely to be able to wear a mask properly and not touch it so mask wearing is not recommended” especially for extended periods of time.
-If you wish your child to wear a mask during camp they will need to be able to take it on and off independently and wear it properly in accordance to the Alberta Health Mask Wearing Guide Lines , as well as please send them with a sealable plastic bag or container in which to store their mask during snack time.